The season begins in mid-August and continues to the Fall Fest State Games in October. Cycling is a very relaxed program. Our main goals are fun, exercise, and training for competitions.
Cheryl Decker –
Training Times & Locations (August-October):
Sundays, 10:00am – 11:15am, Reservoir High School
Practice Overview:
Sunday: Each practice starts with athletes practicing shifting gears on a gradual hill. Athletes then ride the trail accompanied by coaches and volunteers. Advanced riders travel approximately 7 miles. Other riders travel distances based on their abilities. There are walkers and other bikers on the trail during practice so athletes must be able to follow instructions and be aware of their surroundings.
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Cycling Practice
Reservoir High SchoolCycling Practice
Reservoir High SchoolCycling Practice
Reservoir High SchoolRequirements:
- Must be able to ride independently .
- Must be able to follow directions.
- Must be 8 years old to compete.
- Athletes must provide their own bicycles. Trikes and tandem bikes are welcome.
- Athletes must wear helmets at all practices and competitions.
SOHO will provide cycling jerseys for athletes participating in competitions.
- Athletes must participate in two qualifiers to be eligible to participate in State Games.
- State Games (Fall Fest) is held at the end of October.
Volunteer Roles:
- Ride with athletes. Volunteers must bring their own bicycles.
- All volunteers must wear helmets.